MacArthur Green has unique expertise in undertaking peat surveys & assessments
MacArthur Green has in depth understanding and experience in undertaking peat surveys and assessments, and the production of the relevant technical appendices. This includes Peat Management Plans for wind farm sites.
We are also able to advise on Peatland Code and Peatland Action projects. This includes project carbon valuation, and delivering the works required from the application process right through to restoration and aftercare.
Importantly, our in house team has a proven capability to undertake large and logistically complex jobs within tight timescales, whilst also delivering comprehensive results to meet the exact nature of our client’s requirements.

Peat Depth & Blanket Mire
MacArthur Green provides integrated peat depth and blanket mire condition assessments. These assessments help to inform the design of the scheme, the ecological assessment, and the development of Habitat Management Plans.
Our peat depth and coring data also inform the carbon balance assessment, the Peat Management Plan and Peat Slide Risk Assessments for development sites.

Key Contacts
Brian Henry
Principal Ecologist
Key Contacts
David MacArthur