MacArthur Green provides expert advice in relation to marine and terrestrial ornithology
We consistently deliver focused and robust ornithology assessments and advice, ensuring that these disciplines do not cause problems and delays for a project in planning.
We also adopt a strong, evidence-based approach to help formulate effective policy and guidance for nature conservation.
Our clients matter to us, and we continually strive to ensure that our knowledge and expertise put us at the forefront of changes in the industry, thereby making us a more valuable resource for them.

Ornithological Services
MacArthur Green offers the following ornithological services:
- Ornithological Surveys
- Population Viability Analysis
- Ornithological Impact Assessment, including Consultation with Statutory Consultees
- Habitats Regulations Appraisal
- Prior to Commencement Conditions
- Operational Monitoring
- Habitat Management Plan
- Due Diligence

Strategic Seabird Assessments
- Marine Scotland Strategic collision assessment for migratory birds at offshore wind farms (with WWT – 2012/2013)
- Ornithological Cumulative Impact Assessment Framework: Pentland Firth and Orkney Waters Wave and Tidal Projects 2013 (Commissioned by The Crown Estate)
- Assessing the sensitivity of seabird populations to adverse effects from tidal stream turbines and wave energy devices 2012 (Funded by SNH and MacArthur Green) (Available from ICES Journal of Marine Science (2012), 69(8), 1466–1479))

Key Contacts
David MacArthur
Technical Director